Institut für Bergbau > Aktuelles > Welcome (back) Miners 2020

Welcome (back) Miners 2020

Welcome (back) Miners 2020

Dear Students,


we, the team of the Institute of Mining, are glad to welcome our Mining Engineering freshmen and welcome back our higher term students here at Clausthal University of Technology

In the past years we always had a large welcome event here in the lecture hall of our Institute, however, due to the current COVID-situation we cannot arrange an indoor welcome information meeting. But, still we want to provide all important information for your studies and your time in Clausthal, and also we really want to meet you ta have a good contact and get to know each other. So there will be a slightly changed Welcome (back) Event for all students in the master programme Mining Engineering this year. Within the next two weeks you will get more information about your program and Clausthal University via the online platform moodle which you can use from all over the world as soon as you do have your IT-account/ email-account from Clausthal University (if you are already enrolled but don’t have an account please let me know). Also, as soon as the material is available I will inform you via email.

For the part of getting to know each other we would like to meet you in person, so we are planning a meeting at October 30 outside of our Institute at the meadow behind our Institute’s building (Erzstraße 20, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld), starting at 3:00 pm.

We will organize a program for getting to know each other while complying with our federal and university’s Corona guidelines. Furthermore, we have a barbeque and also provide drinks.


For a better planning we’d like to ask you for a short message if you like to participate!

And please dress with warm clothes, it might be cold at end of October. If it is too rainy we will reschedule the meeting on short notice, so please check your emails again the day before.


Hope to see you on October 30!


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